A diorama artist creates miniature replicas of real locations as a tribute to beloved locales

Miniature amazing things

Diorama Art by Hank Cheng

Hank Cheng, a Taiwanese designer, creates amazing recreations that are so lifelike that you could almost picture small humans residing from within them. Each work pays respect to his neighbourhood and depicts actual places from the designer’s recollection, such as run-down neighbourhood super markets and messy apartments.

When Cheng was motivated to imitate a Japanese restaurant, he often frequented as a youngster, he created his first prototype 5 years earlier. He quickly attained the status of an expert in his field, and nowadays he devotes his full time to creating and selling recreations across the world.

Every finished diorama is made using repurposed wood, steel, and other elements. They create homemade decorations as a group to bring them to life. For a model of a music store, Cheng produced innumerable small vinyl albums in one component, and for a back-alley scenario, he made a crate and several small glass containers. A skilled designer is capable of creating almost anything. When people would ask him whether there is anything he cannot create, he jokes, “I can only create air and sunlight.”

View a few of Cheng’s tiny masterpieces above, then visit his webpage and Insta to see more of his dioramas.

Hank Cheng, a Taiwanese designer, creates amazing recreations that are brimming with lifelike detail.

Diorama Art by Hank ChengDiorama Art by Hank ChengDiorama Art by Hank Cheng

Even though his scenes are brief, they each tell a significant narrative.

Diorama Art by Hank ChengDiorama Art by Hank Cheng

Every work is based on actual places; however, you almost feel like there are little people living inside of them. several have been given bizarre twists.

Diorama Art by Hank Cheng

You almost feel like there are little people living inside of them.

Diorama Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank Cheng

His little sets are quite lifelike!

Diorama Art by Hank ChengDiorama Art by Hank ChengDiorama Art by Hank ChengDiorama Art by Hank ChengDiorama Art by Hank ChengDiorama Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank ChengMiniature Art by Hank Cheng

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