Artist creates mesmerizing iridescent wall sculptures of the “Energy of Life”

Wonderful wall sculptures of the “Energy of Life”

Celestial Sculptures

Lyès-Olivier Sidhoum, also called as Lyès, creates abstract art with a celestial twist, propelled by the “power of life.” The French artist uses iridescent discs to represent this hidden power in his series of contemporary wall statues, capturing the wonder of matter and showcasing Lyès’ limitless imagination.

These mirrored pieces, known as Celestial Sculptures, take visitors to different worlds. Lyès’ statues are linked yet distinct, much like the 2 studies that inform him, and they vary in both structure (some consist of a single circle, while others feature several that smoothly interlock) and tone (the artist seems to prefer pastel palettes, since he also testing is conducted with bolder colors).

Lyès states that both quantum physics and zen philosophy have had an influence on his practice. Both relate with the idea of power and, more crucially, its function in our physical world, while being distinct disciplines. The artist says, “I adore when art extends in space and becomes our surroundings, engulfing us, bringing us together, and transporting us to another world.”

Celestial statues by Lyès allow us to view, touch, and experience the ever-present “power of life” in a way that is both ethereal and rooted in terrestrial concepts.

View some of the contemporary wall artworks created by Lyès-Olivier Sidhoum.

Celestial SculpturesCelestial SculpturesCelestial SculpturesCelestial SculpturesModern Wall SculpturesModern Wall SculpturesModern Wall SculpturesModern Wall SculpturesModern Wall SculpturesModern Wall SculpturesModern Wall SculpturesModern Wall SculpturesWall Sculptures

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