A bird with a magnificent array of exquisite colours that makes it difficult to believe he is genuine

A bird with a magnificent array

It is one of the most stunning birds in the entire world thanks to the exquisite yellow, red, and black pattern on the expanded wings, which is quite unreal.

He is a bird with incredible colouring and an otherworldly appearance.

They have brown, grey, and black feathers.

The centre of the flying feathers is vividly coloured, and when the wings are stretched, the pattern looks like sparkling eye spots in red, yellow, and black.

The bird’s hues are typically muted and delicately patterned in lines of black, grey, and brown.

A bird with a mesmerizing myriad of intricate color so stunning and it’s hard to believe he’s real

While its remiges have distinctive eye patches in red, yellow, and black, and vividly coloured middle webs when their wings are fully open.

These are employed in courtship and threat displays with other sun bitterns as well as to startle potential predators.

A bird with a mesmerizing myriad of intricate color so stunning and it’s hard to believe he’s real

Legs and feet come in a variety of colours, from reddish to orange-yellow. The bill is stubby and long.

Male and female adult sun bitterns can be distinguished from one another by subtle variations in the neck and head feather patterns.

Sun bitterns like humid, open-understory Neotropical woods, as well as areas close to rivers and streams.

The sun bittern is also one of 12 bird species in five families that have been observed using lures or bait to catch prey.

Tool utilisation is the term used most frequently to describe this behaviour. Only captive sun bitterns have thus far exhibited this behaviour.

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