A camera captures this astounding and astonishing scene

30 hummingbirds having a pool party

As we all know, summer means outdoor cooking, trips to the beach, and plenty of opportunities to unwind with friends while cooling down in the pool.

This incredible and unbelievable moment a camera catches 30 hummingbirds having a pool party

But who knew how well-liked swimming in a pool was among animals?

That is, until a new video of at least 30 hummingbirds acting adorable was revealed; pictures of the party prove it as you see. An event at the pool for hummingbirds!

Hummingbirds are a very captivating and endearing species to watch at any time of year.

This incredible and unbelievable moment a camera catches 30 hummingbirds having a pool party

Additionally, they can hover and fly unlike any other bird, expending a tremendous amount of energy in nearly everything they do.

In addition, those who are fortunate enough to see it are treated to an unequaled spectacle by the bursts of iridescent color that their feathers emit.

This incredible and unbelievable moment a camera catches 30 hummingbirds having a pool party

The real party has begun! Last but not least, they like going back to the same feeder and usually bringing more buddies with them each time.

It resembles a bunch of friends going to a well-known bar to spread the word somewhat.

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