A cat is helping to raise a tiny kitten with a huge voice and personality

A cat and rescued kittens

In Las Vegas, a temporary caregiver named Ellen Richter gets a panicked call about a tiny cat that is 10 days old and in need of help.

He was the only kitten to survive the winter and was born to a wild cat close to Mount Charleston, Nevada.

Kitten minuscule in size has a big voice and personality and a cat to help raise him

The mother cat showed no desire to care for her most recent kitten.

She quickly picked up the little tabby cat named Charlie Brown while bringing all of her bottle-feeding supplies.

When Ellen arrived, she saw that the mother wild cat had abandoned her cubs nearby on a towel.

She feared the worst and braced herself as she leaned down to check on the cat.

Kitten minuscule in size has a big voice and personality and a cat to help raise him

The tiny cat was rapidly warmed up by Ellen, who increased his body temperature to a comfortable level.

She eventually succeeded in extracting some food for us from his tiny frame.

During the second week, Charlie was still having trouble gaining weight, but he had a loud voice and never stopped pestering people for attention.

Kitten minuscule in size has a big voice and personality and a cat to help raise him

Charlie always had a full stomach and received some love from Ellen before bed.

After many nights of insomnia, Ellen breathed a sigh of relaxation.



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