A cat traveled 12 miles on foot to go home, but no one was there to greet him

A tragic tale with a happy conclusion

Red and white cat Toby made the 12-mile (or 19-kilometer) journey back house, but his heart was crushed.

When Toby, a 7-year-old cat, started to bore his owners, they decided to give him away and give him to a different family who lived 12 miles away. After a few weeks, Toby made the decision to return home because he didn’t enjoy the new environment.

However, when Toby returned to his former residence, his former owners summoned the city’s animal shelter employees to come pick up the cat and put it to sleep.

But Toby struck it lucky. The euthanasia was carried out by a shelter employee who had trembling hands and lacked the courage to put to sleep a healthy, robust animal. To find Toby a new home, the employee got in touch with the SPCA (Humane Society of North Carolina).

When we heard Toby’s story, obviously we answered yes, according to a volunteer with the SPCA group.

Toby the cat was in perfect health, but it was later discovered that he had feline acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (FIV). He might still lead a long and relatively carefree life in his new home despite this illness.

Toby is a very loving and kind cat. All he requires is love and affection. The staff at the shelter claimed that Toby was able to communicate with everyone and that he enjoyed playing with toys.

Toby’s heartbreaking tale of walking 12 miles to his owners, who subsequently placed him up for adoption, was shared on social media by the shelter in an effort to find him a new home.

So, Toby’s new owner arrived last Friday. Toby will now share a house with two humans and a different cat.

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