A sweet encounter between a puppy and a mailman
According to legends, postmen and dogs do not get along.
On the other hand, there is a special connection between this adorable German Shepherd in New Zealand and his unidentified mailman friend.
On top of everything else, the neighbors think the dog is extremely dangerous.
The 9-month-old puppy’s owner was shocked to see the security camera footage given the puppy’s renown.
It seems that his pet dog is not as excellent as his neighbors claimed.
That’s because the dog, who appears to be happier than ever, is seen being tenderly petted by a postman in the photos.
Michael Collins, the dog’s owner, at first thought it was a fortunate accident.
He quickly changed his mind, however, when he discovered that the endearing exchange between his dog and the enigmatic mailman takes place every day.
Collins wrote on Facebook, “Whether we receive mail or not, this mailman routinely stops to meet my puppy, who is just 9 months old.
He’s always been regarded as a frightening or distant dog, possibly because to his size, I’m not sure.
Although he might occasionally snarl or bark at them (what dog doesn’t?). But this guy over here always gets off his bike and hugs and pats him!”