A dog was found abandoned on the side of the road in Houston, Texas

A dog was found abandoned

This dog had been treated so horribly that he was afraid to move to a new home. Because he was frail and immobile, she assumed he was dead. As the visitor drew near, the unfortunate animal twitched, signaling that he was still alive but in need of help because he had been treated so appallingly that he was about to give up.

The person immediately called for aid, and a nearby rescue group promptly responded to the site to transport the dog to the veterinarian. Watson, the animal, was so weak that he hardly knew that there were humans coming to help him.

“He didn’t even stand up when I went up to him.”

The 10-year-old dog was examined by the vet, who discovered a large number of medical conditions. He had heartworm, a heart condition, two different types of scabies, missing teeth, and heartworm in addition to being extremely underweight.

It is believed that Watson’s difficulties caused him to spend the most of his life chained.

Despite being ill, Watson gradually began to show what a magnificent dog he is after being secured at the clinic and no longer being left alone.

He started to feel a little bit better at the urgent care facility. She continued to eat, drink, and wag her tail nonstop.

Watson was picked up by Houston K911 Rescue, who made sure he was relaxed and satisfied as he healed from all of his diseases.

According to Anna Barbosa of Houston K911 Rescue:

Our goal is to act as the gatekeepers Watson ought to have had from the start. Never again will he have to endure such a life. He wasn’t required to.

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