A photographer quit her job to live in the woods with 100 sick pets

A photographer lived in forest with 100 animals

Sometimes you have to lose yourself before you can rediscover yourself. Daria Pushkareva had a lucrative career in Moscow, but she was dissatisfied because of her workaholic ways. But when the kid started giving her time and money to help creatures in need, everything changed.

One of the top five wedding photographers in Moscow was me, according to Daria. — The majority of my clientele were politicians and businesspeople. Prior to photography, I had a six-year career as a film and television series photographer, which I was extremely pleased of. But working 15 hours per shift for two weeks straight without a day off was exhausting. I started taking pictures to help reduce the weight. My entire budget went into a camera and workshops. But the outcome was the same. holidays or vacation days.

«Then I recalled that I had stated that I wanted to run a dog shelter when we were considering our career goals in high school. I didn’t have a dog since it would have been an additional hardship for my mom because I grew up without a father and she worked a lot.

It took me a while before I acquired my first puppy. I contributed money, volunteered, and rescued animals a lot when I was making movies.

One day, I came across an article about a dog with one eye missing who was living in a shelter. When I approached a volunteer to give her the cash, she kindly declined to take her to the clinic, saying, “Thank you. Right currently, nobody is available to complete it. My husband and I were also present. We looked at each other before I said, “We can do it ourselves.” Then, everything became clear-cut. I enquired, “Is that a puppy?” as the proprietor of the shelter gave me a fluffy, flea-bitten lump.

The couple quickly started saving one puppy after another. «We wanted a seventh dog, my husband and I. One that was in such bad shape that nobody would accept it. We couldn’t find any in Moscow, but we did in Krasnodar. She was staring directly at me when I first spotted her in the online catalog. When we brought the 7-month-old puppy home, he started biting our other 6 dogs right away. We brought him to the trainer because the late-night fight wouldn’t finish. But it did no good. The puppy barked, made a mess of the place, and even acted violently against us. It was discovered that his headaches were caused by a head injury.

Then, after taking out two loans, we purchased a rural home 160 kilometers outside Moscow and relocated there with the dogs. For them, we constructed six cages, and we began a brand-new way of life. However, I don’t view our farm as a shelter. This name even offends me. Animals that are continually coming in and going out are helped in a shelter by fresh volunteers and other people. We have our own pets, and we live our lives in their service. They are our relatives. We intend to keep them for all time and won’t part with them.

Finally, I get the impression that I am living a meaningful life. I’m honestly happy to be assisting these animals. I am confident in my ability to care for them, and if I were to give them away, I would be concerned about whether they would have access to enough liberty, food, and love.

I came across a volunteer one day who described to me how she saves foxes from kennels. I hadn’t even considered it before. I also trying to preserve foxes. After a month, I had three foxes.

Then, I became moved when I read online about a raccoon looking for a new home who was missing a paw. I got interested in raccoons when I started reading all types of information about them. We now have 7 raccoon boys and their sister—a it’s long story.

«When we began constructing a special location for them, we observed their population began to increase; we now had 100 animals. And we personally watched each one.

We get up at the crack of dawn, feed and walk the animals, attend to anyone who is ill, and so on till the sun sets. We tidy up, provide them with food and drink, and simply hang around with them. I frequently capture images and videos for Insta. I really feel that it’s crucial to instill positive attitudes toward animals in children. Those who are ill can enjoy happy lives. Foxes can also be born, and not merely to serve as clothing.

Speaking of money, it’s difficult, of course. About 200 animals in all need to be fed, and we provide them with nutritious food that is balanced and includes beef, fish, and poultry. Along with giving them medicine, we also compensate the two farm workers who assist us. I have time to work as a freelance photo retoucher. But our friends are really helpful to us. Some raise funds for us, while others give. I’m grateful to everyone so much! I do not anticipate finding sponsors for us. We’ve decided to take action for our own benefit.

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