A possibility for treats and a new family presented itself to an elderly bald dog wandering the streets

An elderly bald dog need a new family and care

It is uncertain how long a small dog with a bald body wandered through the busy streets of Austin, Texas, before finding kind people. According to her new owners, “Now she finally begs that she be stroked, not shrinking with terror into a lump.”

The Austin Pets Alive shelter received the dog, known as Astro. She had a peculiar appearance; she was bald, had white hair on her head, and had a very swollen stomach. Additionally, she had an infection on her skin, and her paws’ growing claws hurt and inconvenienced the dog.

Additionally, it was discovered that Astro is a very old dog—at least 12 years old. No one wanted to take Astro to their house, as might be expected, and his future was bleak and unknown. He would have most certainly been put to death, but the dog was extremely fortunate since two people made the decision to care for Astro.

After learning accidentally about Astro, Katie Kalk and her hubby decided to give the dog second opportunity since they felt so bad for him.

Katie adds, “Astro licked me in the face as soon as I picked him up, and I knew I had to bring him home.”

Due of his experience living on the streets and the possibility of human cruelty, Astro felt extremely intimidated when he arrived to Katie and her husband’s home. He was terrified of all unexpected motions, loud noises, and wide-open places. He fled into his carrier, which was used to transport him from the shelter, at the first sign of trouble, and hid there, curving into a lump.

Katie was concerned that all of their efforts could go in vain as Astro thawed extremely slowly. Harvey then made landfall, though. Due to the hurricane, Austin’s shelter was overflowing, so Katie was instructed to wait because she was unable to return Astro there.

Once again, Astro was blessed because the more time he spent in Katie and her husband’s home, the more people began to adore him. The couples quickly determined that returning him was out of the question and that the dog should be properly cared for while they were gone.

When Astro started to feel less fearful and scared, his veterinarian discovered that Cushing’s syndrome was largely to blame for his medical issues. This indicates that he has a small brain tumour that affects the function of his adrenal glands, causing them to overproduce cortisol, which results in skin irritation, bloating, and stress. Hypothyroidism was another health issue. He was the reason Astro lost so much wool.

After Astro started treating him with medications for both illnesses, the patient started to improve quite gradually.

«After more than six months, he finally feels comfortable with us, » says Katie, «The other day I noticed Astro snorting (he makes funny snorting sounds) and then puts his head in my hands so that I could stroke him. And he no longer shrinks with fear into a lump, pressing his tail. It took him a very long time to stop being afraid. »

It’s likely that Astro will never be entirely covered in wool because Astro’s wool grows so gradually. But Katie and her husband are unaffected by it. For Astro, they have already purchased numerous gorgeous jumpers in various colours.

Astro has likely been in his prime years for the past 12 years. He will spend his last years in love and care and has all he needs to feel happy.

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