A remarkable incident where a good man prevented the death of the dog family

The man helped the dog family

Soner, a kind veterinarian, once noticed an odd noise emanating from the farm where he was working. The kind-hearted man found himself unable to ignore what seemed like a cry for aid. He moved up close and made an effort to determine its source.

Soner saw a head stuck in the sand where there had been a landslip. It was a dog that the landslide had buried alive. She was completely hidden, and she desperately needed assistance.

The poor animal was in dreadful shape. So he took swift action to save her. But it turns out that the dog wasn’t there by himself. Soner was truly shocked to discover the dog’s little puppies, who didn’t just think about themselves but alerted the man about them by wailing helplessly.

It was a horrifying and torturous scene. Soner started digging madly right away to push all of the unfortunate critters out of that area. Finally, he managed to save the mother and her seven little babies. They were all saved and kept safe as a result of the man’s goodwill and quick thinking.

Soner thinks the cute dog was a stray and was outside with her fey puppies when the terrible incident occurred. However, they are no longer alone and will always be given warm care.

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