A touching story: the last dog left in the shelter finally has a family of his own and he can’t stop smiling

The dog stayed at the shelter for a long time and almost lost hope.

Some shelter dogs have to wait for a long period of time before they find their permanent home. It can be a heartbreaking sight for them to see all the other animals go home to their families while being constantly passed over. Let’s say you’re the last animal in the shelter.

So it was with one dog that was abandoned and almost lost hope…

Until you reach your happy ending. Capone, a Staffordshire Terrier mix, lived for many years at the Ionia County Animal Shelter in Michigan.” it took so long to find someone who would open their heart to him,” said Sammy Vincent, shelter volunteer, FOX 17.

“He lost a lot of weight because he just didn’t have the appetite he had at home,” shelter director Carly Quinn told The Dodo. “It was difficult to get him to eat”.

“He was devastated”. Capone’s luck did not improve after he returned to the orphanage. People ignored him while others showed interest but never showed up. It got to the point where Capone was the only animal left without a home, which was heartbreaking. “Everything was empty, except for sweet, quiet, kind Capone,” Carly recalled.

At the beginning of 2019, Capone was 7 years old and still had no owners. However, the orphanage did not give up and intensified its efforts to find him a home. They shared the dog’s heartbreaking story on Facebook in the hope that someone would open their hearts, and adopt him. Surprisingly, the right people saw the post.

Ashley Long and her husband John saw Capone and instantly fell in love: “I just fell in love with his face right then”, Ashley told FOX 17. “I had no idea he was the only dog left”. Orphanage and immediately hit it off — apparently Capone was ready to go home after all this time: “He just walked up to us”, Ashley explained.

They took Capone home, and the dog smiled wide and warm, knowing that he finally had his eternal family:

Capone’s friends at the shelter knew it was fate and wept for joy as they watched their last dog leave the shelter. “It was really touching”, Carly Dodo said. What a beautiful sight! His new forever home after a long wait. Never lose hope!

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