A woman thinks this dog was her puppy when she was a young child

Woman acquires an ancient dog from a shelter

We hear tales more frequently than not that we find hard to believe to be true.

Nicole is the subject of this anecdote, which will surely make your day better.

Pennsylvania resident Nicolas Grimes was looking to have a dog.

Mom then started searching for puppies for adoption on Facebook and Twitter.

Woman adopts old dog from shelter and finds out that it’s her childhood puppy

She found a stunning pomeranian-poodle cross while searching for something unusual.

The dog looked so familiar to her and brought back memories of the devoted dog she had when she was a child.

When Nicole was celebrating her 10-year anniversary, her grandmother gave her the perfect present.

Gorgeous dog Chloe is.

They were practically always together for nearly four years after becoming friends right away.

Woman adopts old dog from shelter and finds out that it’s her childhood puppy

Nicole regrettably had to leave her cherished puppy behind because her father was starting a new job the following day and the family was expected to move to a different city.

As she later recalled for Broadcaster, she transferred him to the Washington Area Human Civilization and said:

But sometimes the saddest tales have the best happy endings.

In this case, this is essentially what took place.

Woman adopts old dog from shelter and finds out that it’s her childhood puppy

Because when the woman went to pick up her recently purchased puppy, she was able to tell right away that the 11-year-old dog was in fact her beloved Chloe.

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