A wonderful family: in 2007, five girls were born in the family and this is how the family lives now

In 2007, an unexpected turn took place in the life of the Artamkin family.

Varvara and Dmitry had five children – five wonderful, beautiful daughters.

While still pregnant, Varvara went for an ultrasound procedure and it turned out that a woman carries as many as five embryos under her heart. The doctors were worried about this situation and suggested that the couple remove two of the embryos to avoid further risks. But the people of Artamkin are believers, they refused this and decided that as God wills, so be it.

Due to such a multiple pregnancy, Russian doctors refused to take on such responsibility, so the Artamkins left to give birth abroad.

At the 26th week of pregnancy, five beautiful girls were born, who were immediately transferred to the incubator for premature babies. The kids developed well, gained weight, eventually got stronger and went home to their native Moscow.

As soon as they arrived, the state presented them with a four-room apartment renovated and furnished.

Of course, raising five children at once is not easy, the couple is very tired, but thanks to the support of each other and loved ones, everything has worked out for them.

“Of course, it was not easy to realize that we have five children, five new lives. But children filled our lives with happiness. I have always wanted to have children, and I am very glad that I have many of them. To be honest, I don’t see much difference between our family and any big family. My husband and I are deeply convinced that with one child it is much more difficult, since he feels the constant attention of his parents very much, and therefore is much more naughty. And when there are five children at once, they understand that the mother is alone and cannot be torn between them”, recalls Varvara.

The girls were named Elizabeth, Alexandra, Nadezhda, Tatiana and Varvara. As parents say, they are all completely different, both externally and in character. The girl, born fourth, was sick a lot. She often had pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. However, over time she got stronger.

In 2015, the sisters went to first grade.

“I am glad that my daughters will be in the same class and will be able to support each other. How scary it must be for a child who goes to school alone for the first time, without the support of his brothers and sisters!” – mother says.

Now the girls are 12 years old, they are comprehensively developed, they have been attending church since childhood. By their example, the Artamkins showed that when there is a reliable shoulder of a loved one, nothing is impossible.

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