A young, orphaned kangaroo embraces and cares for its stuffed animal as a friend

Orphaned kangaroo and his animal friend

You might find it hard to believe, yet study has shown that friendships can have a big impact on our health and happiness.

Everyone needs companionship as a result, and animals are no different.

Even if the friendship is provided by a stuffed animal, it can help someone feel at peace and overcome any difficulties.

It is undoubtedly something to cherish and admire.

Orphaned baby kangaroo hugs his teddy bear and treats it as its companion buddy

Introducing Doodlebug, a juvenile orphan kangaroo from Australia’s Northern Rivers region.

He is cared for by wildlife physician Gillian Abbott.

Since he was a newborn discovered orphaned in the wild, Doodlebug has been looked after by her and her son Tim Beshara, an assistant to Greens senator for Tasmania Peter Whish-Wilson.

Doodlebug is an Eastern grey kangaroo, not a wallaby.

But regardless matter what species he is, after Tim posted pictures of him with a teddy bear, he went viral and won over hearts everywhere.

Orphaned baby kangaroo hugs his teddy bear and treats it as its companion buddy

In these images, we can sense the value of a kind embrace, especially for an orphaned wallaby.

Despite the fact that Doodlebug is big and healthy enough to go back outside, he still needs a little help from Abbott and her gang to survive in the wild.

Like other babies, Abbott thought Doodlebug needed a friend to comfort him and ensure his well-being.

She gave him a soft teddy to cuddle with as a result.

Orphaned baby kangaroo hugs his teddy bear and treats it as its companion buddy

It is understandable that Doodlebug would want to embrace his favourite bear given that he has lost both his mother and his home.

He will recover quickly thanks to his bear.


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