Adorable situation after surgery, a lion rescued from a circus is reunited with his daughter

A lion rescued from a circus is with his daughter

Following lengthy dental work comes this heartwarming reunion between a lion who was rescued from a circus and his young child. After being saved from a Peruvian circus, the animals were relocated to a sanctuary in South Africa.

After the lions were rescued from a circus in Peru, Leo the father lion was in such bad health as a result of the abuse that he had dental operations to replace his chipped teeth.

After the procedure, he urgently looked for his daughter Africa while still feeling groggy from the anesthetic.

Africa reached her paw outside the fence to feel for her father’s proximity.

A father and daughter can then be seen peeking their heads over the fence at the Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa.

They were helicoptered in from South America, and Animal Defenders International is now searching for them (ADI).

The film “shows the strength of the family tie in a group of lions,” according to ADI President Jan Creamer.

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