After a teacher’s senior cat passed away, two rescue kittens were presented to her by her thoughtful students

Two rescue kittens

When Tonya Andrews’ 16-year-old pet cat passed away, the Texas teacher was crushed.

She was on her way to the vet when Blondie, her elderly cat, passed away.

Teacher lost her senior cat and her caring students surprised her with two rescue kittens

For a few days after that, Tonya struggled with depression and grief.

The following day, I sobbed pretty much during every class hour at school, the instructor admitted to the Huffington Post.

Contrarily, her sympathetic classmates at Joshua High School were determined to make her feel better.

Teacher lost her senior cat and her caring students surprised her with two rescue kittens

They understood Blondie would be impossible to replace for their instructor, but they also managed to find a way to make her smile.

Therefore, the students prepared a surprise for the teacher that included flowers, balloons, and two incredibly adorable little kittens.

She continued, “I was really delighted by that time because I could feel the affection of the class. Then, though, Rachel entered the room carrying two gorgeous kittens.

Teacher lost her senior cat and her caring students surprised her with two rescue kittens

At first, Tonya didn’t realise the two tiny spirits were intended for her.

But her reaction is priceless when she discovered that not one, but two fur balls would be sharing her time, house, and life.

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