After being neglected for a while, a battered, earless stray cat developed into a kind gentleman

Earless cat become a beautiful one

A huge stray cat was once spotted close to Isabelle’s home in Montreal. The white-haired cat’s look was disturbing, and he plainly needed care because he lacked ears. Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a cat rescue organisation in Canada, was contacted by Isabelle.

She coughed him up and got in touch with us. Of course, we couldn’t say no to her assistance. Then, we learned via local social media that this cat had previously been spotted in the vicinity. He had been living on the streets for at least seven years, through the bitter winters as well. He has never had a master. — Selina Krom, a volunteer, narrates.

The cat lost both of his ears during one of the difficult winters; the first half of each fell off due to frostbite, and the second section was severely infected.

The cat had fleas all over it, and the vet discovered scars from past fights with dogs or other cats. He had terrible teeth, which made the cat uncomfortable when eating, and he had tested positive for the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).

The cat felt better right away after the vet extracted some of the problematic teeth.

The cat, known by the moniker Hansik, had reportedly suffered significant feline life loss while residing on the streets. He recovered very slowly due to the immunodeficiency virus, and it took Hansik a full three months before he began to act and seem normal.

He was homeless, unwell, and ungroomed until three months ago. He can now fully trust others again and respond to affection because his wounds have fully healed. He tried to hide in a cage corner for the first few days since he was so terrified and wanted to avoid everyone.

He progressively emerged from his “shell” and grew accustomed to human contact before starting to clamber up onto our laps. He now enjoys tagging along behind us and watching what we do.

Hansik slept with the person in the foster home since he was so “domesticated” that he snuggled and got into bed with them. He started showing a lot of affection.


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