After being rescued, an “aggressive” dog left on the tracks became a docile pet

An “aggressive” dog became a docile pet

Someone left this Shar-Pei dog named Tweedy in a Los Angeles suburb close to the train lines.

Even when volunteers from the humane group Hope for Paws came to pick up the dog, the dog was so aggressive that he would not allow humans approach him.

The dog backed away from humans while barking in alarm. She acted as if someone had once severely injured her. She could have been hit by a train and killed; therefore, it was difficult to leave her here even for a brief period of time.

Volunteers Joan Viles and Lisa Arturo gently walked up to the dog and tried to entice her with treats. But regrettably, the dog seemed unresponsive to the food and kept running away whenever anyone tried to approach it.

Finally, Joan and Lisa were able to secure the dog in the cage by wrapping special loops around its neck. The dog struggled vehemently, barking, writhing, and attempting to escape the loops. They made an effort to inflict as little pain and anguish on the dog as they could.

After the dog was located, a small kennel and a bowl were discovered; it appears that someone else had previously attempted to care for Tweedy and had fed him.

Tweedy continued to be anxious and gnawed on the leash as they travelled to the veterinarian. The dog didn’t stop barking until she was taken to the clinic and given some gentle petting.

Tweedy was evaluated by a veterinarian, who discovered that she had an ear infection, a skin infection, a fracture in one of her joints, and some tooth damage. When they started treating the dog, the quicker the pain subsided, the less wary and hostile the dog was toward humans.

Though Tweedy’s behavior toward other humans still needed a lot of work, she quickly started to let Lisa Arturo pet and groom her totally.

To establish a rapport with her, I spent 48 hours with her in the shelter. I trained her to eat from my hand, be stroked, and be kissed. She then appeared to be saying to me, “I’m so grateful you came to save me, and I’m happy that I was able to love a person again,” as she looked at me.

Tweedy eventually found herself in a shelter run by the LA Animal Rescue Society, where she was placed in a temporary foster home. She remained frightened and afraid at that point. People took their time with Tweedy, and after a couple days she began looking for human company and affection on her own.

At least one of the dog’s anxieties became apparent rather quickly. She was having trouble seeing since her eyelids were turning inward. The dog was in agony and discomfort as a result of this.

Tweedy improved his cooperation and affection after the surgery to fix the issue.

The dog started to “come out of her shell” when she realised that the pain was no longer a problem for her. She rapidly forged strong bonds with each member of the temporary foster home, demonstrating that she was now ready to look for a long-term owner.

” The animals were given a second shot at a decent life with love and caring waiting for them, and we are grateful to Lisa Arturo for her work ” says Sue Roe of LA Animal Rescue.







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