Amazing architectural carvings by artists reveal ornate interiors from stone

Wonderful architectural sculptures

Carved Stone Art

Matthew Simmonds, an artist, has carved out a niche for himself over the last 20 years. Simmonds suddenly uncovers tiny design structures in small, porous rocks, continuing the long history of marble sculpting. Amazing in its care and attention, the result gives the impression that every location is currently being unearthed and that Simmonds is unearthing long-forgotten ancient monuments.

Grand archways, ornamental ceilings, and even miniature sculptures are hidden into the crevices of Simmonds’ rock interiors in the chiselled sections. However, just outside of their boundaries, the sharp edges of the rock serve as a reminder that beneath the polish, there is a naturally beautiful. This gets to the core of his work since one informs another. According to Simmonds’ remark, “the work examines themes of positively and negatively form, the importance of darkness and light, and the connection between nature and human endeavour, drawing on the formal language and theory of construction.”

Check out Simmonds’ amazing carvings below, and be important to read about his previous architectural sculptures from earlier in 2019.

Artist Matthew Simmonds fashions intricate architectural sculptures from rough rocks that appear to have been found.

Architectural Carving by Matthew SimondsStone Carving by Matthew SimmondsCarved Stone ArtCarved Stone ArtCarved Stone ArtCarved Stone ArtCarved Stone ArtInterior CarvingInterior CarvingArchitectural Carving by Matthew SimondsArchitectural Carving by Matthew SimondsInterior CarvingInterior Carving

Source: Website


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