Amazing Beijing sculpture greeting visitors in 101 languages

The word “hello” in 101 languages

Endlessness by Hu Quanchun

A metal statue honouring Beijing Foreign Studies School’s 80th birthday will appeal to linguistic enthusiasts. Artist Hu Quanchun created a moving artwork with a secret gift etched on the bottom, reflecting the university’s catchphrases of discussion, exchange, and connection. The word welcome is inscribed in 101 various languages throughout the entire earth.

This decision is a reflection of BFSU’s friendly acceptance of many nations and 101 language programmes. Due to LED lighting that provides the lettering a gentle light at night, they come to life. The grouping of the languages, from Swahili (jambo) through Nigerian (bawo ni) to Czech (ahoj), demonstrates how they can relate while still being distinct.

The statue, Endlessness, incorporates words, but this is not the only method that BFSU’s objective is communicated. When deciding on the piece’s format, Hu Quanchun and his colleagues also gave it a lot of thought. In addition to being visually appealing, the rhythmic, flowing design was chosen after carefully weighing a number of variables.

The oval shape is a superb metaphor for conjuring up connection, exchange, and communication—three concepts central to BFSU. The sculptor and his team also recognised they could use the statue to better coordinate the area after doing a site inspection. It’s located in a square by the west entrance of the school. The school’s 3 main academic structures are likewise located in the square. The entrance and the building across the way aren’t exactly in line, which throws off the space’s architecture. The team determined that a horizontal form would be more effective in making up for this mismatch than a vertical structure, which would emphasise it.

The metal building’s dynamic scene begins to a peak and then flows down in an unending rhythm. We can really detect a relationship when we take into account the various languages that are present throughout the sculpture.

The design took into account every aspect, right down to the substance. In reality, the worn metal was chosen to complement the hue of the nearby structures and to assist the sculpture integrate into its surroundings. This tactic allows Limitlessness to seamlessly blend in and give the impression that it was always a part of the campus. This methodical approach to public art is a win for Quanchun and his group and one that other professionals in the area should take note of.

A public artwork called Endlessness was created to commemorate Beijing International Studies University’s 80th birthday.

Endlessness by Hu QuanchunEndlessness by Hu Quanchun

The university’s linguistic programmes are represented down the underbelly by “hi” printed in 101 various languages.

Endlessness by Hu QuanchunEndlessness by Hu QuanchunEndlessness by Hu Quanchun

The different universities search terms, trade, and connection—are represented throughout the whole sculpture.

Endlessness by Hu Quanchun

The artwork in the public space was created by Hu Quanchun and his group.

Endlessness by Hu QuanchunEndlessness by Hu QuanchunEndlessness by Hu QuanchunEndlessness by Hu QuanchunEndlessness by Hu Quanchun

Source: mymodernmet

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