Amazing detail captures a soaked bathsheba in a life-size sculpture

Amazing detail captures a soaked bathsheba in a life-size sculpture

Women’s amazing sculpture

Life Size Sculpture of Bathsheba by Benjamin Victor

The human shape has been a difficult one for sculptures to represent for hundreds of years. From the copper Statue of Liberty to the ancient Greek marble Venus de Milo statue, the long-standing tradition spans a range of media. With his lifelike clay and metal sculptures, one famous artist is continuing the tradition of this ancient aesthetic forward.

World-renowned American artist Benjamin Victor is an inspiration to artists like Michelangelo and Bernini with his vast body of work. One of his most recent projects portrays Bathsheba as a curvaceous young woman wearing a long dress from the Bible. This life-size statue, which was created in both clay and metal, is an accurate representation of Bathsheba’s biblical narrative since it shows her in damp clothes that cling to her body, just as she was reported as having done after meeting King David. According to the legend, “King David summoned her, having seen her swimming and lusted over her.”

Each exquisite aspect of this artwork shows Victor’s skill. Along with defining the statue’s long, flowing hair, he also succeeds in capturing the permeability of her damp garments and the contours of her body. Even the bulky shawl Bathsheba holds in her hands seems to fold and hang behind her feet like a genuine piece of cloth would.

To see more pictures of this amazing sculpture, scroll down. You can also follow the artist on Insta to get glimpses into his artistic process.

Bathsheba from the Bible was realised in life-size statue by American artist Benjamin Victor.

Life Size Sculpture of Bathsheba by Benjamin VictorLife Size Sculpture of Bathsheba by Benjamin VictorLife Size Sculpture of Bathsheba by Benjamin VictorLife Size Sculpture of Bathsheba by Benjamin VictorLife Size Sculpture of Bathsheba by Benjamin Victor

He created a clay model of the feminine figure and cast it in metal.


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He also creates other classical statues with inspiration from things like literature and the natural world.

Figurative Sculpture by Benjamin VictorFigurative Sculpture by Benjamin VictorLife Size Sculpture of Bathsheba by Benjamin VictorLife Size Sculpture of Bathsheba by Benjamin VictorFigurative Sculpture by Benjamin VictorFigurative Sculpture by Benjamin VictorFigurative Sculpture by Benjamin Victor

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