Amazing lace details are captured in hand-carved Marble in a 17th-century sculpture

17th-century marble sculpture

European artists carried on the Renaissance’s classical trends and moulded them into dramatic pieces of art throughout the Baroque Period, which is renowned for its extravagant theatricality. Art historians are especially fond of the sculptures created by the Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini. However, Giuliano Finelli, his less well-known disciple, also produces stunning artwork. Italian sculptor Finelli was educated in Naples after being born in Torrano di Carrara in 1601. After relocating to Rome in 1622, the talented young carver caught the attention of the illustrious Bernini, who appointed Finelli as his assistant.

Finelli improved both his artistic talent and his political contacts while studying under Bernini. Finelli was able to work on tremendously important pieces because Bernini was frequently ordered by Pope Urban VIII, the most crucial political person in Italy at the time. One of these statues was a bust of Maria Duglioli Barberini, the granddaughter of Pope Urban VIII who had passed away in 1621 due to problems after childbirth.

Her face was accurately recreated in the bust that Finelli created, which was ordered sometime about 1626. The insertion lace encircling the bust’s ruff is surprisingly lifelike, giving the impression that it is made of fabric when, in fact, it is all marble thanks to the sculptor’s meticulous attention to detail. Even the little string holding the necklace’s beads together can be seen.

Regrettably, Bernini was unable to share the limelight with Finelli and turned down the opportunity for his assistant to deliver the mandate to the Pope in Rome. The fame of the artist also overshadowed Finelli’s other contributions to Bernini’s work, and in 1629 he left the artist’s workshop. His ability to capture even the smallest details in all of his assignments makes them stand out from Bernini’s and exquisite to look at.

Maria Duglioli Barberini, niece of Pope Urban VIII, is depicted in this magnificent, lifelike carving by the Baroque artist Giuliano Finelli.

Bust of Maria Duglioli Barberini by Giuliano Finelli

He has amazing attention to detail. It appears as though he utilised genuine lace for the bust’s ruff. It is all marble, though.

Bust of Maria Duglioli Barberini by Giuliano FinelliBust of Maria Duglioli Barberini by Giuliano Finelli

Bust of Maria Duglioli Barberini by Giuliano Finelli

Numerous famous Bernini pieces, including his statue of Apollo and Daphne, display Finelli’s skill as a craftsman.

Baroque Sculpture of Two Lovers

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