Amazing pair still lives together 23 years after adopting an orphaned bear cub

One of the deadliest wild animals:  The brown bear

One of the deadliest wild animals and one of the top predators in the world is the brown bear.

So perhaps it’s best to avoid getting too close to such a beast.

But it didn’t stop a couple in Siberia from having a large bear live in their home for almost two decades.

Fantastic couple adopted an orphaned bear cub – and after 23 years they still live together

When Anna and Peter Smith, a couple from a very frigid place, first encountered Stefan the bear, he was only three months old.

The sad little creature was found all by itself in the woods, pleading for help.

He was probably an orphan. Anna and Peter were saddened to see the adorable cub in such horrible condition, so they made the decision to bring him home and take care of him.

The bear, however, never left and is still housed with the people who saved his life 23 years ago.

Fantastic couple adopted an orphaned bear cub – and after 23 years they still live together

Stefan is said to weigh over 450 pounds (204 kilogrammes), but the owners insist that he is no different from any other pet.

Unbelievably, the three of them watch their favourite TV shows together on the same sofa.

Even though the bear is domesticated and has never lived in the wild, it is challenging to entirely control his instincts.

He must therefore be handled with the highest respect.

Fantastic couple adopted an orphaned bear cub – and after 23 years they still live together

After all, the brown bear is still one of nature’s most formidable predators whether it is wild or domesticated.

The two insist that they do not fear that Stefan will ever harm them, though.

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