An abandoned kitten climbs into a nest of young kittens

A kitten wants to live with other kittens

A tiny orphan kitten sneaked into a nest of newborns because it wanted to join their family.

Bella, an Indonesian animal activist and foster mother, stumbled upon a kitten that was motherless and desperately in need of assistance.

The kitten was malnourished, incredibly tiny, and filthy. Bella fed the kitten and kept him in a shoebox.

Orphan kitten sneaks into a nest of small kittens and insists on being part of their family

The young youngster, who was quite hungry, consumed everything he could.

The kitten, Daniboi, settled into his residential care after being cleaned up and given his shots, and he napped a lot to make up for lost sleep.

The kitten interacted with the other orphans in the home after being discharged from the hospital.

Bella had anticipated that he would hang out with two kittens his age, but Dani had other ideas.

Prior to the kitten’s birth, Bella had taken in a pregnant cat that had been found abandoned outside.

Orphan kitten sneaks into a nest of small kittens and insists on being part of their family

She then gave birth to the fourth kid in a warm, comfortable, and weather-free home.

Dani began to hear tiny squeaks coming from the massive cage where the cat family resided, and she saw the mother cat cooing over her young.

He was confused before his brain suddenly lost all light. That evening, he came up with a plan.

The following morning, Bella awoke to discover tiny Dani curled up in a cute purr heap with the kittens.

The big cat dozed peacefully on his back, surrounded by his little new friends.

The much larger cat kept staying in the nesting area with the kittens.

Orphan kitten sneaks into a nest of small kittens and insists on being part of their family

He had many cat couches around the house, but he always came back to sleep on one of them.

Additionally, the orphaned cat enjoyed being a big baby at the age of three and started to use his mother as a toilet.

The cat, now known as Rocky, was bought by a lovely family when he was big enough to spread his wings and fly.

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