An abandoned two-day-old kitten was saved by bulldogs

A kitten was saved by bulldogs

The kitten, who had only been alive for a few days, was by himself on the street.

He had the good fortune to be saved and adopted.

When a woman from Florida by the name of Beth Waldensis learned about this little boy, she made the decision she had to assist him.

The kitten’s new owner was particularly concerned about how her dogs would respond to the new family member when it was brought home. But the animals were really cordial with him.

Later on, he was given the hilarious moniker Babe short pants. Tiny was concerned about living alone constantly, but he now has a large family.

Frenchy treated the kitten especially tenderly, licking his muzzle like his mother would have done.

Salvador the dog was also concerned about him. The sound of a kitten squeaking would cause him to put everything on hold.

The fact that Beth’s dogs were so concerned about the kitten both astonished and delighted her.

The youngster has grown up and opened his eyes. His new family is overjoyed by this.

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