An adorable and hilarious bunny who is simply clutching the carrot-shaped snowman’s nose

An adorable and hilarious bunny

Since snowmen are present everywhere because it is winter, it stands to reason that not just kids but also animals and bunnies enjoy seeing them.

The only distinction is that these cuddly guys prefer them because of their wonderful orange nose rather than the dusting of snow that makes them up. After all, who can blame them?

People are falling in love with this funny and fabulous bunny chomping and just grabbing a snowman’s carrot made nose

As a result, one Calgary family from the Cambrian Height community made the snowmen next to their home.

They believed that the sun would be its only foe, but they were absolutely wrong. It wasn’t long before a tiny, cute animal bit its nose on the snowman belonging to the Bryants.

The parents can only chuckle and take pictures of the

People are falling in love with this funny and fabulous bunny chomping and just grabbing a snowman’s carrot made nose

The Bryants had no idea the short clip would get such a following on social media, but it immediately became a hot topic because so many people could relate to the fairy tale-like scene.

I just gave the snowman a kiss. It wasn’t the first time a rabbit attacked a helpless snowman, ripping off its nose in the process.

People are falling in love with this funny and fabulous bunny chomping and just grabbing a snowman’s carrot made nose

Because it occurs so regularly, a poem was composed about it.

There was a little snowman that appeared to have a carrot nose, the poem began. “A bunny showed up, so what do you think?

That little bunny was so hungry and on the hunt for food that he devoured the nose of the tiny snowman.”

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