An Alaskan man cares for and feeds the enormous flock of magnificent bald eagles

A man feeds the enormous flock of bald eagles

Everyone is aware that innocent felons with the kindest dispositions are animals. But this time, a pitiful stray dog receives a legitimate compensation as a result of his actions.

It all started when workers at a company in North Carolina observed a large dog entering their building with the express purpose of snatching a pink plush unicorn.

Alaskan man feeds and simply takes care of the huge flock of wonderful bald eagles in viral footage

When the employees were exposed, they took the toy back and kindly invited the four-legged clients outside.

The dog attempted to get the unicorn at least five times before giving up each time despite the staff’s precautions, which didn’t appear to deter him from getting what he wanted.

They sought aid from Duplin County Animal Services as a result.

Alaskan man feeds and simply takes care of the huge flock of wonderful bald eagles in viral footage

The wildlife officials produced the nicest sign for the four-legged thief when they came.

Before taking any of them to the sanctuary, Detective Samantha Lane bought the toy with her own money and gave it to this gentle giant.

The events that followed seem to have a good ending. The dog, named Sisu by the staff when he arrived at the rescue, was all set for a photo opportunity.

Alaskan man feeds and simply takes care of the huge flock of wonderful bald eagles in viral footage

Simply said, his recently discovered stuffed friend could not have been ignored. However, they were unaware that the picture of this adorable couple would go completely viral on social media.

But that’s not all; a few days ago, Sisu and its violet unicorn also found forever homes.

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