An elephant was able to identify the veterinarian who saved his life

An elephant and the veterinarian who saved his life

The people who once saved the animals’ lives are appreciated by all the animals. They demonstrate the continued existence of love by their actions.

They can still remember the individual who was at their side even after many years have passed.

In 2009, the elephant developed an illness. He was able to totally recover from his ailment because to Pattaraapol and his care for him.

An elephant was able to recognize the vet who saved his life 12 years ago when he was nearly dying

He was afflicted with trypanosomiasis, a disease.

He was transported to Thailand to complete his treatment because that nation’s national animal is the elephant.

An elephant was able to recognize the vet who saved his life 12 years ago when he was nearly dying

Despite the difficulty of curing his disease, the crew and the vet animal were able to assist him.

He was refusing to eat anything because of his high fever.

They decided to set him free in the woods because of their uncomplicated assistance.

Unexpectedly, 12 years later, the elephant could still name the doctor who had saved him.

An elephant was able to recognize the vet who saved his life 12 years ago when he was nearly dying

When Pattarapol first saw the elephant, he was on a tour, and thanks to the sounds, he was able to identify him.

The elephant responded to his signals by raising his trunk. They exchanged messages in that manner.

It was an extremely touching moment that was caught on camera.

This story serves as another evidence that many animals can develop into being far more appreciative than many people.

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