Artist creates animal sculptures inspired by steampunk out of discarded mechanical parts

Animal sculptures made of discarded mechanical parts

Steampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor Verniy

Igor Verniy, a Russian artist, transforms steel scraps into amazing animal creations with elements of steampunk while the majority of us trash outdated and damaged objects. Verniy’s remarkable sculptures, which range in variety from birds and animals to snakes and bugs, are hand-assembled from discarded automotive components, timepieces, computers, and other materials.

My Contemporary Met quotes Verniy as saying, “My passion of physical engineering and science, along with my love for robotics and science fiction, force me to develop something distinct and living.” This combines robots and biology. a yearning for the future Verniy investigates the body types, behaviours, and motions of his lab animals in their natural settings in order to connect these two apparently irrelevant topics. Many of the statues by the artist have movable elements, such as feet, heads, and feathers, which enable them to be placed in realistic postures.

Verniy’s cyberpunk monsters take inspiration from various cultural symbolisms. For example, a dove is the international sign of peace, while a fish is based on the illustrations and description of Alexander Pushkin’s poem The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish. No of the source of the artist’s motivation, though, every finished work demonstrates his extraordinary talent and love for his trade.

View more of Verniy’s steel creature creations below, and visit his Page on facebook for more of his work. Keep an eye on the artist’s Etsy page for any new openings as he also offers his creations.

Steel scraps are transformed into exquisitely detailed, steampunk-inspired animal figurines by Russian artist Igor Verniy.

Steampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniySteampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniySteampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniySteampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniyScrap Metal Animal Sculptures by Igor Verniy

Many have movable elements, including feet, heads, or feathers, which enable them to be placed in realistic postures.

Steampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniySteampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniyScrap Metal Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniyScrap Metal Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniyScrap Metal Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniyScrap Metal Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniySteampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniySteampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniyScrap Metal Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniySteampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniySteampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniyScrap Metal Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniyScrap Metal Animal Sculptures by Igor VerniySteampunk Animal Sculptures by Igor Verniy

Source: Facebook | Etsy

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