Baby elephant gets prosthetic leg after losing leg

Elephant’s prosthetic leg

Thailand is a well-liked vacation spot, and the nation is frequently linked with golden beaches, waving palm trees, and picturesque landscapes.

However, many people are unaware that the nation also has a serious landmine issue along its borders with Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. 360 km2 of mines and other explosive remains of war remain.


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The mined territory contains villages, farms, and portions of the national forest, making it difficult for the government to completely remove all of the mines, despite their best efforts.

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of them. Serious injuries have been sustained over the years by both humans and animals.

Mosha the elephant was one of them.


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She tripped on one of these mines when she was just 7 months old, breaking her leg.

Her position put a tremendous amount of stress on the spine and the other three limbs.

However, a doctor by the name of Therdhai Jivacate decided he had to take action after learning about the awful catastrophe Mosha had experienced.


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Elephant rehabilitation is a specialty of orthopedic surgeon Dr. Therdhai Jivacate. He spent a considerable amount of time working in Thailand’s first elephant hospital. He jumped in without thinking twice when he learned of Moshi’s predicament.


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Dr. Jivacate created the first artificial elephant leg in the world with the assistance of his group. With the help of this prosthesis, Mosha’s mobility was restored. Dr. Jivacate constructed additional prosthesis for Mosha as she grew and matured.

Mosha is now able to lead a normal life once more, all thanks to the fantastic work done by Dr. Jivacate and his team. Learn more about Mosha and the kind-hearted Dr. Jivacate by watching the video below.

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