Baby in the Batman mask. Sweet baby was born with a huge spot on her face is recovering

Luna feels great, active, after the procedures.

On October 9, on her Instagram page, the girl’s mother in the Batman Mask shared information that treatment in Krasnodar was successful.

The American thanked all the subscribers for support, she did not sleep 40 exciting hours and worried about her child, fortunately, everything worked out.

Now the child cannot see the bandage on the face.

She feels great, active, after the procedures I want to eat.

The full cost of the operation in the total amount of 60 thousand dollars was paid to the girl by an unknown philanthropist who wished to remain an unknown.

How many procedures are still ahead, explained in a private clinic where the operation was underway is still unknown.

Everything will depend on the process of regeneration of the girl’s skin.

This is not the first time she undergoes a course of treatment.

When Luna was a year, the baby from the USA was treated with nose.

Due to the pandemic, at that time the borders were closed, Carol Fenner remained in Krasnodar.

Then the doctor Popov adjusted the treatment and carried out another treatment of the girl’s face.

There they stayed for another two months, and then returned to their homeland.

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