Baby koala crawls up human arm out of curiosity and refuses to leave because it is too comfortable

What a wonderful baby koala

While it is common to see humans interacting with dogs, the situation with wild animals is a little different.

It is a well-known fact that farm animals fiercely guard their young.

Because of this, any human appearance is viewed as dangerous.

Curious baby koala climbs human arm and doesn’t want to leave as the comfort is enough

But the cute koalas seem to tackle things in a special way.

All of the interactions between young koalas and other animals that we have witnessed have been beautiful.

Because of this, it was hard to see how a cute baby joey embracing a total stranger would be any different.

A charming image shows a curious young koala climbing down from its mother’s back and grabbing hold of the sleeve of a guy who approaches them.

Although koalas are thought to be somewhat asocial animals, the bond between mothers and their young is unbreakable.

Curious baby koala climbs human arm and doesn’t want to leave as the comfort is enough

This unlikely relationship is therefore all the more intriguing.

The endearing video was recorded on camera by Adelaide, South Australia resident Meagan Pfitzner, 40.

A mother and baby koala were seen drinking from a creek as the woman and her child were out for a stroll in front of their house.

The animal-loving son of Meagan cautiously approached the couple and gave them a Eucalyptus leaf.

Curious baby koala climbs human arm and doesn’t want to leave as the comfort is enough

But he never anticipated them to be that way.

At one moment, the baby koala unintentionally climbs up the boy’s arm.

After holding the baby koala for a few minutes, the child wanted to give it back to its mother, but the animal seemed to enjoy its new friend so much that it wouldn’t let go of his arm.

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