Beautiful girl and not very attractive guy: this is what their daughters look like

Despite numerous gossip, the couple has been happily married for four years.

They have two beautiful daughters and don’t want to stop there. However, the public is outraged and believes that such an attractive girl is no match for such an ordinary husband.

Girl is considered a beauty, and the guy is not very attractive: what their daughters look like

Lucy Luvella looks like a doll. But her chosen one Pen is not endowed with such outstanding data.

However, this did not stop the young people, and they tied the knot. Moreover, the couple is happy together and has two daughters.

However, the public believes that because of such a cardinal difference in appearance, they should not be together.

Girl is considered a beauty, and the guy is not very attractive: what their daughters look like

Lucy is a real beauty with snow-white skin, who also knows how to dress stylishly and always looks perfect.

But her husband Pen is the complete opposite. The guy looks quite normal. He has dark skin, dark curly hair and a black mustache.

The astonished people, seeing the appearance of the newly made wife, thought that Lucy had married for the sake of her husband’s wealth. However, it later turned out that the girl was even richer than Pena. It’s just that their love is something that goes beyond the usual framework.

Now the couple has overcome all difficulties and does not pay attention to gossip, complete strangers.

Girl is considered a beauty, and the guy is not very attractive: what their daughters look like

However, the girl and the guy do not deny that at first they were offended by listening to impartial statements addressed to them.

Now that they have officially become husband and wife, confirming their sincere love, many have wondered what their children will look like. After all, the difference in their appearance is very large.

It seems that the lovers satisfied their curiosity and showed two lovely girls. The children have lighter skin than their father, and their features are as beautiful as their mother’s.

Lucy and Pena’s first daughter was born in 2016. She has curly hair, big eyes and a very pretty face.

Girl is considered a beauty, and the guy is not very attractive: what their daughters look like

The second girl was born in 2018. She also has very expressive eyes and a beautiful oval face.

Obviously, the children took only the best from their parents.

To date, Lucy is raising two little princesses and does not regret her marriage at all.

The couple is happy together. Meanwhile, Pen has gone into business and has a much higher income than before.

As a result, they proved to the whole world that true love does not depend on appearance. You can be happy in spite of the public

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