Labrador shows off his swimming skills to save his two brothers.
Robbie’s pet Labrador has extremely developed limb musculature that has been developed through extreme training and care. He is an excellent swimmer and is also a great team player. So, when his two dog brothers got stuck in a canoe drifting on the lake, Robbie was the first to rush to the rescue!
In the video below, we see Ginger, as well as Bullet, a brindle mountain pooch, screeching in a canoe for help. Before that, the canoe was pushed away by a strong gust of wind.
The owners of the dogs were worried and also shouted for Robbie to save, and the pet immediately dived into the water, splashing, quickly looking for brothers and sisters.
Robbie flaunted his fantastic swimming skills, gradually moving towards the canoe until it got too far. Robbie used his wits and also quickly stole the rope that was used to tie down the canoe. With a rope in his mouth, he quickly hauled the canoe ashore.
The dogs Rusty and Bullet in the canoe were happy to be back on land, while Robbie was completely exhausted.
When this video clip went viral, many people became interested in Robbie’s remarkable abilities.
The father of the dogs claims that “they actually trained their pets for such rescues over a long period of time. Robbie, being an older brother or sister, is the perfect man in a rescue video game. He is real. Be a superhero dog!