Derailed metro car is prevented by a huge whale sculpture from diving into the water

Whale sculpture stops derailed metro from plunging into water


A latest event from outside Rotterdam disproves the notion held by certain individuals that street art is useless. A huge whale artwork at the De Akkers station prevented a subway car from running into the stop barriers there. On top of the statue, it is now left hanging 10 metres (33 ft) in the air.

The sculpture’s subtitle, rescued by a Whale’s Story, accurately describes what this train was like. Without the artwork, it would have fallen onto the nearby sidewalk or into the water beyond. Fortunately, nobody was hurt because the train was empty and the driver managed to release himself safely. What triggered the tragedy, which happened near midnight, is still a mystery.

The sculpture was erected in 2002 by designer Maarten Strujis, who was amazed by how well it withstood the pressure of the train. It is made of strengthened polypropylene. “I never would have predicted it would save the driver’s life in that way. He was amazed that the harm had been overlooked. “I’m in awe that it’s that powerful. You don’t expect polymer to support a subway train when it has been standing for 20 years.

The motorist is being questioned by officials, who are also looking into what went so wrong. The railway is still perched on the whale’s tail in the interim. And it appears like it may remain there for a while. The intricacy of the situation means that it will take some time, according to a representative for the Rotterdam-Rijnmond security district. “Getting that thing off and getting it safe will be quite an effort.”

In the Netherlands, a whale statue prevented a subway car from going off the rails.


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