Elegant animal sculptures “grow” from shimmering metallic branches

Elegant sculptures made of steel

Animal Sculpture by Kang Dong Hyun

Amazing trees are made of twigs and branches, which also serve to emphasise the majesty and splendour of the natural environment. Using the same idea, sculptor Kang Dong Hyun creates magnificent animal artworks from these kinds of project complexity. The Korean artist creates forms and face features that like lions, bears, moose, and other animals using the graphic motif of twigs and channels.

In Kang’s work, there is a paradox at work. Despite using organic shapes, the visitor can still see the metal surface. This aesthetically merges the planet’s water branches with manufactured objects, creating a seamless whole. The other juxtaposition in the piece—animals as twigs—also implies a unity. All life on our earth is interconnected, whether it be man, creature, or plant.

To view some of Kang’s most recent works, scroll below. See what the artist creates next by following them on Insta.

Steel statues of creatures are made by sculptor Kang Dong Hyun using intricate systems of branches and twigs.

Animal Sculpture by Kang Dong HyunAnimal Sculpture by Kang Dong HyunAnimal Sculpture by Kang Dong HyunAnimal Sculpture by Kang Dong HyunAnimal Sculpture by Kang Dong HyunAnimal Sculpture by Kang Dong HyunAnimal Sculpture by Kang Dong HyunAnimal Sculpture by Kang Dong Hyun

Source: Instagram

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