Extremely gregarious bird with head and breast covered in striking white chevrons

Gregarious bird

A big, dull monster that resembles a chicken, with bright white chevrons covering its head and breast!

An outrageously gregarious bird with distinctly white chevrons covering its head and breast

A little species of guan, similar in size to a chicken, is called the Andean guan (Penelope montagnii).

It has a long neck, tail, partially feathered throat, and tarsi. The borders of its head, neck, and breast feathers are white, despite its overall brown appearance.

The brown upper portions, especially the upper tail-coverts, stand out from the darker brown tail.

Additionally, the flying feathers have a dull brown hue. Primarily red areas can be found on the belly, vent, and undertail coverts.

An outrageously gregarious bird with distinctly white chevrons covering its head and breast

The head is paler than the neck and breast, with a supercilium, cheeks, and forehead that are a grayish white color.

Lores’ eye ring and exposed skin are both gray. The throat is showing a bright scarlet wattle dangling from it.

The tip of the gray bill is light. They have reddish-brown eyes.

Males and females seem very similar to one another, with the exception of young birds, who have browner underparts with light vermiculations and whiter sides of the face and throat.

An outrageously gregarious bird with distinctly white chevrons covering its head and breast

The Andes highlands (5,000 ft/1,500 m ASL and above), which stretch from Venezuela and Colombia through Ecuador and Peru to Bolivia, are home to this bird.

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