For charity, a photographer dresses up his dog in Madonna’s attire

A photographer’s dog in Madonna’s attire

Madonna has developed a look that will go on in both music and fashion for a very long time. For many artists, it has been a sea of inspiration. One of them is the French fashion photographer Vincent Flouret, who has spent months creating a project that features his six-year-old dog dressed in Madonna’s well-known costumes.

While assisting in Los Angeles’s City Shelters, Vincent had the idea. He was photographing the dogs in an effort to boost their chances of being adopted. At that moment, the thought struck him to take pictures of his loyal companion Max dressed as the well-known artist.

He is a top priority for me, Vincent said to Bored Panda.

For example, if he requires a hat for a picture, I buy it weeks in advance, and we play with it as if it were one of his pet toys. For him, everything is like a game. And thus, when we shoot for real weeks later, it feels “natural” and enjoyable to him.

The artist and his dog were able to reproduce such classic looks as the photo session for “Hung Up” and the album cover for “True Blue.” The project is now known as “Maxdonna.”

Vincent informed us, “It took me eight months to complete these photographs, including the shoots, the handcrafted costumes, and the training.” I’m a huge Madonna fan. I’m paying homage to artists who I like and love with these photos that Max and I are creating. I’m experiencing the simple pleasure of pure creation, love, and happiness since I’m taking a sabbatical from my commercial work, claims Vincent.

The project, which began as volunteer effort, has maintained its charity aspect. The proceeds from the sale of “Maxdonna” will all be donated to Madonna’s charity, Raising Malawi. Madonna herself says the following about the endeavour: “Yes! On her Instagram, she shared the “Like a Virgin” cover. When I learned about it, I felt like a child! To see Max in action, scroll down below and comment with your thoughts. »

Check out all the pictures here.

Genuine Blue

Singal, “Music”

The Hanged up

Album Cover for “Like A Virgin”

Make Up Girl

Album Cover for “True Blue”


Music video for “Cherish”

The renowned film poster

Cover of Harper’s Bazaar

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