For their grandchildren, Japanese grandparents made a life-size Totoro with a bus stop

A life-size Totoro with a bus stop for children

Totoro Bus Stop in Japan

Studio Ghibli, the renowned animation company in Japan, is known for creating the iconic figure totoro. The most recognizable photo of the chubby, wide-eyed mythological beast seems to be of him standing in the rain, awaiting for an odd bus. For a wide range of creatives, the beauty of that sequence (which appeared in the 1988 movie My Neighbor Totoro) has served as a source of nostalgia, fantasy, and motivation. Grandparents in Takaharu, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan, are experiencing this. The couple, who are in their 70s, decided to make a Totoro replica for their grandkids in an effort to recapture the joy of the movie.

The handcrafted product displayed the couple’s extraordinary woodworking talent and their immaculate thoroughness. The eventual monument’s barrel-shaped frame was first built using some conventional plastering methods. Then came several layers of concrete and a protracted shaping procedure. Then more bricks were put to assist give the mystical gray beast’s framework its distinctive chubbiness. More concrete was added, and with careful carving, the recognizable, outspoken eyes and whiskers began to take shape. The pair completed the makeover by installing the famous bus stop sign and a brick and gravel path surrounding the building.

In addition to being a major hit with the grandchildren, the sculpture, which looms above both kids and adults, is presently bringing ardent Totoro enthusiasts from all over the world to the tiny village. The couple also offers any visiting photographers or selfie enthusiasts the iconic red umbrella from the movie. Longtime admirers of Totoro and those looking for enchantment now have another place to stop for tourism and nostalgia thanks to the passion and creativity of this old person.

The framework of what would eventually be a very enormous monument was painstakingly constructed in Japan by this grandpa.

Japanese Grandparents making Totoro statue

He spent a lot of time and work making this enormous statue of the well-known Totoro with his wife.

Japanese Grandparents making Totoro statue

Bricks, meticulous modeling, and concrete were all needed for the protracted procedure.

Japanese Grandparents making Totoro statue

To ensure that each and every detail was recorded, the grandparents painted and further sculpted Totoro’s quirky visage to finish it.

Japanese Grandparents making Totoro statue

They were finally prepared for a family picture with a very content kid!

Japanese Grandparents making Totoro statue

But a lot more people than only their grandchildren have benefited from their labor. To see the statue and take pictures with it, Totoro lovers from all over the world now travel to this area.


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Source: Website 

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