For women’s history month in 2021, a bronze statue of Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be unveiled in Brooklyn

A bronze statue of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Bronze Statue

Throughout her extensive public career, supreme court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or RBG as she became known, attained the stature of a true legend. Recent memorials to the late Justice have included social media messages and public artwork that honour her ground-breaking law. The bronze sculpture of Ginsburg will be unveiled on March 15, 2021, at City Point in Brooklyn, the borough where Ginsburg was born in 1933. This commitment, which was timed to coincide with Women’s History Month and the Justice’s birthday, is a component of the artist team’s larger effort to gender-balance the monuments across New York City.

Legendary women have a long history, yet these trailblazing women are seldom commemorated with monuments. Only 5 of the 150 public sculptures in New York City celebrate real-life women as of 2019. The Monuments for Equality initiative, which the renowned public sculptors Gillie and Marc began on Women’s Equality Day in 2019, has been striving to reverse this. Oprah Winfrey, Janet Mock, and Jane Goodall were among the ten new statues added that year, bringing the overall number of female figures from 3 to 10 %. The Ginsberg monument adds to this current body of art by boosting the representation of women.

Bold women and femmes will have their accomplishments publicly acknowledged in a way that was previously only done by traditional luminaries and white men by being cast in bronze. Regarding the 2019 project, Marc commented, “It was essential we cast the sculptures in bronze in order to really commemorate the occasion.” “Having one’s likeness cast in bronze sends the strong message that your achievements should not be ignored and will not. They will continue to exist after your lifetime and the lives of your contemporaries, much like the monument itself.

Subsequent generations will undoubtedly be impacted by RBG’s accomplishments. Ginsburg launched the Women’s Rights Program at the ACLU in 1972 and then went on to lecture law at Harvard University, where she was one of only nine women in her incoming class. Many of the freedoms that women (and men) enjoy today were established thanks to her work on cases advocating women’s equality. Ginsburg’s distinctive lace collars gained notoriety after she was elevated to the Supreme Court by President Clinton, inspiring many to appear strong and defiance. Now that many of Ginsburg’s accomplishments and those of the women’s suffrage movement are in peril, her statue might serve as motivation for young kids to carry on the battle for universal racial equality.

On their webpage, designers Gillie and Marc provide additional information regarding their local and international public art projects.

In March 2021, a bronze sculpture of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be erected in Brooklyn, New York, the birthplace of the illustrious woman.

RBG Collar

The bronze sculpture, which was made by the artistic team of Gillie and Marc, is one of many that the artists have recently put in NYC to honour outstanding and trailblazing women.

RBG Statue Concept Art Gillie and Marc

The sculpture will pay tribute to the late Ginsburg’s lengthy history of advocating for gender equality in the legal system.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Brooklyn Public Art Statue

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