Glass sculptures that glow when people interact with them come to life

Amazing glass sculptures

Glass Sculptures by Rui Sasaki

Glass artworks by Japanese artist Rui Sasaki portray the ever-changing nature of the weather. She creates both tiny and huge bright sculptures using phosphorescent glassware, a substance that can hold light and shine in the darkness. These items, which range from kitchenware to abstract entities to falling raindrops, show up in dim spaces like blue-tinted ghosts.

Sasaki, who is initially from Japan’s Kanto region, moved to the area famed for its fluctuating weather, Hokuriku, and there developed an interest in weather systems. She says My Contemporary Met, “I was startled by the enormous physically and mentally influence the environment had on me when I first arrived here. I was also shocked by the leaden Hokuriku skies and unstable precipitation, the heavy rainfall and humidity levels. “In Hokuriku, one wonders at the tiniest period of clear skies, and I wished to visualize and enjoy that glimpse of sunlight, as well as document and keep it in some way. This is why I decided to work in phosphorescent glassware. The energy that is retained in the phosphorescent glass combination uses a wavelength that is similar to that of sunlight and glows in the darkness.

When guests first enter the museum to view Sasaki’s artwork, they will be startled by the space’s gloom. The sculpture’s faint shapes will thereafter become more discernible as their eyes adjust. She says, “If a spectator stays in the museum for a long time, the next person will notice the work glimmering softly in the darkness. “As watching time increases, the phosphorescent glass’s light gradually dims until the exhibition is eventually completely dark. Based on the user’s actions, this could happen right away or a day later.

The innovative artwork of Sasaki has been displayed in solo and group exhibitions all over the world. She presently teaches glass at Kanazawa Utatsuya Kogei Kobo in Ishikawa, Japan, and will have a show in Tokyo in May at the Gallery DiEGO Omotesando. “I think it likely my practice is about using glass—a substance that makes the hidden noticeable, whose coherent duality welcomes us to reflect on existence and absence, and which enables us to retain and record—to verify my own presence through the discovery of a “affection” with which I have found myself unknowingly in compassion, amid subtle day-to-day implementations,” the artist says.

To maintain pace with Sasaki’s most recent masterpieces, join her on Insta and scroll down to view more incredible creations by the artist.

Amazing glass creations by Japanese artist Rui Sasaki imitate the cyclical nature of the climate.

Glass Sculptures by Rui Sasaki

These glass sculptures will alter in intensity and color as spectators observe them.

Glass Sculptures by Rui Sasaki

They change color from a delicate blue at their darkest to a vibrant green at their brightest.

Glass Sculptures by Rui SasakiGlass Sculptures by Rui SasakiGlass Sculptures by Rui SasakiGlass Sculptures by Rui SasakiGlass Sculptures by Rui SasakiGlass Sculptures by Rui SasakiGlass Sculptures by Rui SasakiGlass Sculptures by Rui Sasaki

Glass Sculptures by Rui SasakiGlass Sculptures by Rui SasakiGlass Sculptures by Rui SasakiGlass Sculptures by Rui Sasaki

Source: Website | Instagram




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