He was a helpless, abandoned puppy at the airport who passed away alone and distraught

A helpless, abandoned puppy

The tragic tale of a dog that spent more than a month wandering around an airport.

She was even given the nickname “Traveling Cloud” by airport staff.

Poor and so helpless abandoned doggie at the airport - he died alone and heartbroken

The size of Colombia’s Bucaramanga Airport makes it impossible for an animal to navigate on its own.

It was avoiding food while looking for her owners!

This adorable puppy was left at the airport alone, confused, and anxious to the point that she just kept looking for her owners.

“We are unable to imagine how she felt, abandoned in a strange land.”

Poor and so helpless abandoned doggie at the airport - he died alone and heartbroken

Without even a familiar blanket to curl up with for solace, and with strange smells.

Her body just stopped responding to her because she could take no more torment!

Anyone who saw her could tell that she was alone and lonely.

He was so destitute and lonely, but he provided passion and love that would never last.

She was urged to eat by the other passengers.

In order to save her life, a veterinarian was called.

Poor and so helpless abandoned doggie at the airport - he died alone and heartbroken

By providing her with a nutrient-rich intravenous serum.

Unfortunately, she was too late; her already-broken heart had suffered such irreparable damage that she eventually gave up and died.


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