I fell in love: these are the most beautiful men of the planet

According to a new study, attractiveness can be measured quantitatively.

Physical beauty is confirmed by scientific research?

According to a new study, attractiveness can be measured quantitatively. Here are the six most attractive and famous men in the world.

It is often difficult to explain why we consider someone beautiful or beautiful, but the truth is that we unconsciously notice certain features.

The most significant and important aspect is the symmetry of the face.

Researchers began to use a new tool to compare unique and individuals with absolutely identical models.

Starting from the sixth place occupied by Will Smith.

According to the study, a 51-year-old beautiful actor takes sixth place because his profile is identical by 88.88%.

The next is the 5th place, which is occupied by football player David Beckham-88.96%.

Therefore, the upcoming 4th place went to the attractive singer and actor Harry Styles.

The famous singer has not only a beautiful voice, but also the same precisely symmetrical appearance: 89.63%.

Final places: 3rd place with the famous actor Brad Pitt.

Have you ever imagined that Brad Pitt is not included in the six of the most beautiful men in the world?

This person takes third place in scientific attractiveness with a rating of 90.51%.

And now the 2nd place was for a handsome man-Bradley Cooper.

Since the film «The hangover», that gifted actor has been in every hot list.

So in the experiment he was impressive: his forehead is symmetrical by 91.80%.

Imagine-1 place for the only and unique-George Clooney!

The actor’s appearance is the most attractive, gaining 91.86% of the vote.

Who can resist this male attractiveness?

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