In a hospital, this dog stood watch for her owner for six days

Amazing dog and his owner

Akita Inu dog named Maya, who is two years old, has been keeping watch over a hospital for more than five days. Her human, a 22-year-old woman, was rushed to the emergency room of the Elda General Hospital in Alicante, Spain, with appendicitis and required emergency surgery.

Despite their best efforts, Maya will not move from that location. Even with her human father’s best efforts, Maya won’t be brought home or distracted from her mission.

Everything started when Maya’s human, Sandra Iniesta, started having terrible abdominal pain when she, her father, and Maya were heading home. They had to be rushed to the hospital, where Sandra had an immediate operation to remove her appendix.

Father of Sandra, Andrés Iniesta, made an unsuccessful attempt to load Maya into the car. “I think she understands what’s happening and she’s showing that she can be patient,” Sandra’s father remarked.

Sandra, who is still recovering from the medical operation, asserts that her dog is merely going about his business as usual in Barcelona. Every time I enter a building, she waits for me at the door.

Maya’s deed of loyalty resulted in views and gifts from scores of admirers when the medical staff posted Maya’s story on their Facebook page.

This story reminds us of Hachiko, an Akita dog who, in the 1920s, accompanied his owner to the Tokyo train station every morning and waited for him there when he got off. He kept coming back until the day his human passed away. Hachiko continued to wait at the train station for the rest of his life.

The story of Nego, a dog who waited for his owner outside a hospital for eight months before learning that he had died, was recently brought to our attention.

Maya, who was looked after by Sandra’s father and the hospital personnel and never left the door, was sorely mourned by Sandra.

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