In the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian man devotes his life to dog rescue

A man devotes his life to dog rescue

Saeed el Aer, a 45-year-old resident of the Gaza Strip who is frequently referred to as “The Palestinian Doctor Dolittle,” spends his entire life saving dogs. This man is a hero to the numerous homeless animals that have been abandoned.

Despite the numerous problems impacting Gaza, such as the war, homelessness, power outages, and a lack of clean water, Saeed el Aer has dedicated his life to giving those dogs in need a chance.

He has spent months searching the streets of Gaza for stray pets. He returns them to them after gaining their trust and feeding them, then goes looking for loving homes for them.

With Saeed el Aer’s assistance, the Sulala Association for Animals Care was established. Saeed el Aer stated:

We patrol the streets and feed them for days or weeks at a time until they get used to us. When that happens, we catch them and give them to the association.

Saeed el Aer is said to have spent more than $18,000 on the care of the 50 dogs he has so far spared.

These expenses include vet bills as well as rent for a farm with a 0.2-hectare area where the dogs he has rescued live.

Volunteers prepare food over wood to feed the dogs at the farm in the Zahra neighbourhood of southern Gaza.

When the animals are first brought to the farm, they are kept on a leash for a few days until they are more relaxed and are allowed to roam free around the property and greet visitors.

Saed claims:

They now completely understand who I am. As soon as I get in the car, they start to rush towards me from all over the farm.

Saeed el Aer is completely taken aback by the overwhelming number of Gazans who want to visit the farm, feed the animals, and care for them.

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