In the shelter where they first met, two adorable bears wrote a charming love story

Two adorable bears’ love story

Tomy the bear, who had spent his whole life amusing diners at a restaurant in Albania, was saved from a tiny cage in 2016. Tomy was fed primarily bread and beer there, and the abundance of both the food and the subpar maintenance made Tom feel bad.

Tommy’s behaviour started to alter when he was sent to Bear Sanctuary Prishtina in Kosovo and walked on actual grass for the first time. He learned to unwind and enjoy life. Living in a little cage, then moving around in a big cage

Hope the female bear, who was confined in a cage next to a restaurant like Tomy, was transferred to the same bear shelter in Kosovo after being recovered, and the staff chose to introduce Tomy to her so she wouldn’t be left alone. Both the two were the same size and age.

Volunteers were observing them closely as they met, and it soon became apparent that they were infatuated with one another. Hope was a little more reserved than Tomie, so he made the first move. He gently walked up to Hope and started to sniff her fur. Hope was a little taken aback, but after that she calmed down and started to scent Tommy.

Since that time, the two have been an unbreakable couple. They appear to be together all the time, which is beautiful and endearing. They even have a bath in a small pool, which is hilarious and adorable.

Tommy and Hope are no longer on their own because they have become genuine friends—possibly even more—together. We sincerely hope that everything turns out well for them.

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