Incredible appearance: the man covered 95% of the body with tattoos but before that he looked like a star

He was an ordinary guy and nothing special stood out.

Tristan Weigelt was born and raised in the USA. He was an ordinary guy and nothing special stood out. Until one fine moment he decided to drastically change his life and move to Copenhagen.

Man covers 95% of his body with tattoos: he looked like a Hollywood star without them

The guy not only decided to change his place of residence, but also to acquire the profession of a tattoo artist.

In Denmark, he is trained by the best masters. At the same time, he decided to fix his tattoos and got a little carried away.

Tristan decided not to trade for nothing and tattooed 95% of his body.

Man covers 95% of his body with tattoos: he looked like a Hollywood star without them

More than one master worked on his body. The whole work took 260 hours and 54 thousand dollars.

His tattoo is in Japanese style. The traditional Japanese tattoo is always the scales, although it usually resembles a costume, the arms, legs, neck and head are left intact.

Tristan acted radically and declares that he will fill in all the gaps left on the skin with mascara.

Man covers 95% of his body with tattoos: he looked like a Hollywood star without them

Parents did not appreciate the son’s choice and still persuade him to kick tattoos and start the removal procedure.

It was for them that he posted a photo where his face still has the usual outlines, without drawings.

In such a strange way, Tristan wanted to please his parents. The method, of course, was strange and most likely the effect was the opposite.

Man covers 95% of his body with tattoos: he looked like a Hollywood star without them

Followers also did not appreciate this act. Many in the comments complained about how it was possible to spoil such an appearance.

Indeed, the guy was a Hollywood handsome man. His image with tattoos is no less spectacular, but such a face could not be covered with a pattern. But Tristan himself thinks otherwise.

The guy claims that he doesn’t care what others think of him. And advises everyone not to think about the meaning of the tattoo or how others will perceive you. Like it – do it!

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