Incredible story: a man disappeared for 30 years, and after returning he said that he was in the next room

The man did not return home, after which his family sounded the alarm.

Vasile Gorgash was declared missing, but thirty years later the man unexpectedly returned home. He claims that he was in the next room all this time.

Man disappears for 30 years and when he returns he claims he was in the next room

All his life Gorgash worked as a farmer and traded livestock. He left the house early in the morning and walked to the train to get to the neighboring village where the farm was located.

On that mystical day, he also followed this route. But this time the man never returned home, after which the farmer’s family immediately sounded the alarm.

For a long time the man could not be found. And they were even forced to enter it into the Interpol database in order to strengthen the search activities. But for thirty years no one managed to find Gorgash.

Man disappears for 30 years and when he returns he claims he was in the next room

30 years have passed, and the family has already come to terms with the loss. However, one early morning a car drove up to the house. The missing farmer suddenly came out of it in the same clothes in which he left thirty years ago.

But what shocked everyone even more was the train ticket that didn’t break. This means that Vasile Gorgash did not leave the village anywhere.

Man disappears for 30 years and when he returns he claims he was in the next room

Neither the police nor the family could believe that all this time the missing farmer was somewhere nearby and no one could notice him. According to the missing person himself, he was just in the next room, but what this could mean is still unclear.

Law enforcement agencies and psychologists are planning to have a special conversation with the farmer in the near future to find out the details.

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