Interesting story: a squirrel was rescued from a cyclone and has a mini teddy bear he loves

When there was a terrible cyclone, this cute squirrel flew out of its nest.

When Typhoon Isaac hit, Jill flew out of her nest.

Good news for the young squirrel, she was saved by a good family, and although she intended to stay awake until she was a little older and stronger, she ended up staying forever.

Jill understood that life with her new family members is pretty sweet.

It’s been 7 years since Jill moved here and she’s thriving.

On her Instagram page, she offers photos of her daily life to fans from all over the world. There are a lot of wacky jokes in there, as well as a lot of great clothes.

And when it comes to a good night’s rest, Jill’s trusty teddy bear is sure to grab attention. The little teddy bear is her irreversible vacation companion and she loves to snuggle up to him as well as cuddle him to her chest.

The white teddy bear fits perfectly in Jill’s loving arms.

She likes to give her cute close friend the perfect kiss.

And she likes to flaunt her boyfriend in front of the video camera.

Squirrels are very smart pets, and Jill is no exception.

They are also amazingly trustworthy.

Some wild squirrels will certainly even approve of food straight out of your hands.

Jill is always ready for new adventures with the people she loves.

That is, when she is not busy sleeping with her bear.

She has a great wardrobe filled with adorable outfits.

However, the most effective means is her luxurious girlfriend.

This sweet little survivor is living an absolutely perfect life.

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